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The meaning of a name

A new synchronicity popped up today regarding A QUARREL CALLED and it's sequel (the tentatively titled ) A CALLING OF QUARRELS...

Each of my characters has a name that is significant to their character traits / arc.

For instance - Sam is a dreamer -- and in the bible, one of the famous dreamers is named Samuel. Now this isn't the only person or quality that Sam relates to in esoterica, but it's an obvious one that I can point out to you without revealing too many spoilers.

As with Sam, each of my other characters also has specific meaning behind their names: Melody... G. -- Heck even a few characters you don't know yet; they too, have names that mean something special.

The only one I didn't think that hard about, the name just sort of came to me when my daughter and I were talking over the initial story idea back in May 2014, was Tara. I had some vague notion that it was a good choice because it is a permutation of the word 'earth' (Terra), but in reality, I kept it because the name fit the character. I liked it. It clicked.

And yet today, in my reading and research I came across this little tidbit here... and I had to smile. The choice of the name 'Tara' was the universe poking fun at me, waiting for me to see the obvious connections that were right in front of my face. If only I had done an internet search on the name earlier! But then I would have missed out on the smile that finding this today gave me:


In Buddhism, Tara (Sanskrit, "star") is a Buddhist savior-goddess especially popular in Tibet, Nepal and Mongolia. In Tibet, where Tara is the most important deity, her name is Sgrol-ma, meaning "she who saves." The mantra of Tara (om tare tuttare ture svaha) is the second most common mantra heard in Tibet, after the mantra of Chenrezi (om mani padme hum).

The goddess of universal compassion, Tara represents virtuous and enlightened action. It is said that her compassion for living beings is stronger than a mother's love for her children. She also brings about longevity, protects earthly travel, and guards her followers on their spiritual journey to enlightenment.

and This:

In Buddhist religious practice, Green Tara's primary role is savioress. She is believed to help her followers overcome dangers, fears and anxieties, and she is especially worshipped for her ability to overcome the most difficult of situations. Green Tara is intensely compassionate and acts quickly to help those who call upon her.

As I said, particularly synchronicitous... Tara, 'she who saves' and protects in Buddhism is also a member of a Quarrel; She is a steward that follows the discipline called 'Sage.' And Sage is a shade of Green. And Green Tara most closely resembles my character. Thanks Universe, I like your teasing ways.

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