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The Juice is worth the squeeze - or frequencies and how they affect our bodies

Just as I am finishing up the first draft of the sequel to A QUARREL CALLED (in which I have written a couple of scenes that touch on the debate between music recorded at 440hz and 432hz) I stumble across this amazing music video by Nigel Stanford, in which he uses CYMATICS and MUSIC to amazing effect.

The reason that I am posting this here now, is becaus of the interesting synchronicity between what I have been writing (the scenes mentioned above), what I have been reading - more details below, and what I have experienced personally using standing scalar waves for manifestation.

In various gnostic apocrypha and universe creation stories (that I have read so far: namely Gnostic, Hindu and Buddhist, and Carl Jung's Seven Sermons to the Dead) it is established that we live in a fractal, holographic universe which came to be (the Big Bang, as they say) from the act of a standing scalar wave experiencing it's own reflection. Reading about these modern ideas in these ancient stories really made an impact on me as it validated quite a few things I had come to accept as true on my own: there's a direct correlation between vibration, the origin of everything, zero point energy matrix being the foundation that everything is created on (the pleroma, if you will), and our own personal resonating frequencies... and with that I can also draw a correlation to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and the effect of thought-intention/vibration on water crystallization - which is genius.

Considering that our bodies are largely composed of water (70% to 80% experts say) it makes sense that the effect of sound and frequency/vibration on our bodies would have a marked outcome in our mood, thoughts, actions, feelings and general overall well-being. The type of music we listen to actually does matter - Dr. Masaru Emoto has proven it.

What Nigel Stanford's music has done is show us VISUALLY what happens to our bodies (mostly water) when we expose them to certain frequencies, at any volume, for any length of time. It's wonderful, it's startling... and it can be transformative - if you let it.

For More about 440hz vs 432hz, Universe Creation Stories and the effect of frequency on water crystallization, see these links (and of course do your own search!)

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