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As Above, so below

Many of you have heard the saying 'As above, so below' which we can see illustrated in many places such as Science (Fractals! Such as a Sierpinski Gasket / Triangle or Mandelbrot Set), popular culture (movies like Inception, MIB II, or books like A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L'Engle or Fractal Mode by Piers Anthony) or ancient texts (the celestial structures of Heaven / Hell in gnostic and Hermetic scriptures, or Buddhist cosmogony).

So whenever I see a particularly good rendering of this idea -- the universe beneath one's fingernail, so to speak -- I like to share it. Here's a video I stumbled upon the other day that does this quite nicely...

And if you want to put our solar system into perspective in a fractal kind of way... just take a look at this!!

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