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First of all, let me start this post by saying that my heart and prayers go out to the people of France, and anyone who knows or is related to one of the Paris victims. This horrible event - the massacre of civilians - is in my opinion, one of the worst types of terrorism there is. Stand tall Parisians, our hearts are with you.

Secondly, it almost seems self-centered to post about anything else in light of what's going on, so I will just give a quick update on things as they are: Book 3 is 17,532 words in. We're starting to hit a roll; I hope to push the number past 25K over the weekend, but we'll see.

Finally. FALL is here. The trees have started changing colors in earnest here in the DFW metroplex, and it was actually 'cold' in the house last night, meaning that I didn't crack any windows at bedtime... I may even make a fire out on the patio, in the chiminea (like Melody!), to properly kick things off. Growing up in Wisconsin, we had oaks everywhere, red oaks and white oaks. In the fall and winter, they just turned brown. It wasn't until I moved up to the Fort Worth area that I encountered oaks that turn RED in the fall. I am not sure what variety of oak this is (in my neighbor's yard) but it shore is purdy. :-)

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