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Wordcount update + another white rabbit

Stewards of the Plane #3 is currently at 36,010 words, woohoo!

Also, I realized yesterday that there is another famous white rabbit that should have been included in my list... but wasn't! For some reason I forgot dear Bunnicula! Okay, okay, so Bunnicula isn't a technically a 'white' rabbit (white & black, actually) but is close enough in my books to be remembered here... I mean come on, how many vampiric rabbits do you know of? Bunnicula was juicing veggies long before Vitamix and Ninjas became a thing!

Image retrieved from here:

and is the original cover art (or at least the cover art that I remember from childhood :-) )

If you haven't read any of the Bunnicula stories yet, I don't know what you're waiting for! Grab a copy from your library today!

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